2:57 AM

I have not known how to start back up this area of my life since last year's events. 2016 was quite the eventful year for me and my family. I lost my first child to a miscarriage, lost my grandmother to cancer, and yet ended the year with the birth of my son! It has been a roller coaster ride.

Throughout the year I had been asked if I still sold my jewelry. I would smile and say, "It's still there". I did not participate in wholesales and did not come up with new designs, but I left the site up and running. I got a few orders that were a breeze to fulfill and they were nice, welcomed distractions. However, I don't think I could have handled more than that. 

A month into my son's life and I am starting to regain footing. I have often glanced at this blog and wondered how to restart it. Do I re-brand? Re-design? I've decided to just jump in and find my way back. ❤️

For you bloggers out there, have you experienced having to go through this? Do you have any tips for me?

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All content is authored by myself. Time and dedication are carefully crafted into each post. Kindly link-back to content shared from this site.

Some hyperlinks from this site may be sponsored or affiliated and could result in commissions for myself.

I'm pretty laid back, so when in doubt, just ask! :)