Holiday Prep + Updates

4:04 PM

New pieces to come for the holidays!
Hello there, Charmers!

It's been about a month since you've heard from me around here. Interesting changes have been going on around this home studio, and it has been a bit overwhelming.

  • I finished a good, big, wholesale deal and worked on new pieces for the store. I will be taking a break from wholesaling over the holidays, for sure!

  • Nash and I adopted a bright young dog. I will definitely have to share about him with you very soon.

  • My grams got diagnosed with leukemia and we don't know how long we have with her. It has taken a toll on the family and kick-started my depression. I am glad we got our furry buddy to help with difficult days. 

  • I've made some changes with the way we do our shipping and packaging. Much prettier, more efficient, win-win all around. :)
How have you been? What are you up to?

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All content is authored by myself. Time and dedication are carefully crafted into each post. Kindly link-back to content shared from this site.

Some hyperlinks from this site may be sponsored or affiliated and could result in commissions for myself.

I'm pretty laid back, so when in doubt, just ask! :)