2:57 AM
I have not known how to start back up this area of my life since last year's events. 2016 was quite the eventful year for me and my family. I lost my first child to a miscarriage, lost my grandmother to cancer, and yet ended the year with the birth of my son! It has been a roller coaster ride.
Throughout the year I had been asked if I still sold my jewelry. I would smile and say, "It's still there". I did not participate in wholesales and did not come up with new designs, but I left the site up and running. I got a few orders that were a breeze to fulfill and they were nice, welcomed distractions. However, I don't think I could have handled more than that.
A month into my son's life and I am starting to regain footing. I have often glanced at this blog and wondered how to restart it. Do I re-brand? Re-design? I've decided to just jump in and find my way back. ❤️
For you bloggers out there, have you experienced having to go through this? Do you have any tips for me?