True Story-- I Accidentally Planned My Own Proposal
6:25 AMSince my wedding anniversary is coming up next week, I decided to share the awesome story of how I planned my own engagement... by accident.
First off, my husband and I actually got married in July of 2014. It was amazing and intimate: my parents, his parents, my sister, his brother and 2 of our best friends.
However, being Filipino, the small wedding did not fly so well. People had to be invited and they needed the whole charade. So we did. I'll share that story next week. ;)
My best friend, Krista, and I had been obsessed with Downton Abbey. It had been a crazy couple of weeks at work and I had missed my friends. I suggested to Krista that we have a Downton-Abbey-themed picnic at our local park and she agreed to help me host one.
Initially, we invited 10 people. We wanted to keep it intimate; we have a high-value for quality time. I should have caught on when people just kept coming up to me and inviting themselves to the picnic.

Behind the scenes, everyone invited to the picnic knew I was going to get proposed to. I did not think to invite Nash as he had told me ahead of time that he had work, but he showed up in his scrubs "to say hello".
We munched on cheese, crackers, lemon curd and berries, and enjoyed iced-cold Italian sodas. We talked, played music and enjoyed the beautiful Summer breeze.
Little did I know that everyone was rehearsing a song behind my back, and some where on the look out for when Nash walked up to us. I even had a friend who brought her DSLR, stating that she wanted to practice her skills at life portraits.
I was utterly oblivious. I honestly do not remember most of his speech, but I do remember being dazed and speechless.
I obviously said yes. Obviously.