Why I Started My Jewelry Business

3:22 AM

I have been getting a number of questions lately about how and why I started my jewelry business. Most of it comes from the personal face-to-face interactions, but I get a few online as well. I decided to share a bit of that journey and how I decided to become my own boss.

I'll keep it short. I usually don't have the patience to read long, drawn-out posts about start-up stories, so I'll give you the highlights. ;)

An Accident Turned Hobby

When I first moved to the U.S., I was oblivious as to how things worked. There was definitely quite a bit of culture shock, but most of it was just not knowing how people would go about things. I broke a pair of earrings that was dear to me. I had it since before I left the Philippines and wanted to salvage it as best I could. I asked my mom if she knew of any stores for jewelry making, as if this is something you could just run out and grab. We sold them at department stores in the Philippines. 

She took me to Michael's and a world of crafting was suddenly before me. I was in awe. I did salvage the earrings, and ended up toying with a few other pieces that I had. I soon was creating. It was 2008.

Hobby or Side-Gig?

That Christmas, I gifted a lot of hand-made jewelry. I got incredible responses. I think that Pacific-Islander/Asian touch gave me a unique edge and the feedback was enough to encourage me to keep going. I started selling on Ebay, the most popular eCommerce platform of the time. 

I sold a decent number of pieces and got more good feedback. I was over the moon. I soon had an allowance. I also discovered Etsy and hopped on board.

Forever A Side Thing

I was able to live off of part-time jobs and selling jewelry for a while, but the inconsistency of income and the surge of competition online made it impossible to continue in the path. I decided to go for education and started working for a non-profit as a teacher. I quickly climbed that ladder getting administration positions and even directing my own site. I continued tinkering with jewels on the side.

After a couple of years in that constant go-getting professional circus arena, I experienced burn-out. That's when I decided just how much of a creative I was. I tried to fit into cookie-cutter molds of what work should look like. While I thrived outwardly, inwardly I was feeling a part of me getting lost in the mix. 

Boss Lady

It really wasn't until an incident happened at work that I evaluated how I felt about not doing what I was passionate about. I mean, when you are pouring your everything into something, shouldn't it be something you love and believe in?

I put in a 3 week notice and decided to ride it out. It was one of the most empowering decisions I had made in what felt like forever.  

Amazing Support

I do have to say, I would not have been able to go full-time creative if it were not for the help of my amazing husband. He originally suggested I quit my job and focus on my jewelry making. I also have the support of groups like The Daring Creative Workshop and took classes like the Indie Business Compass E-course. 

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I'm pretty laid back, so when in doubt, just ask! :)