Sleek Style: Brooke Fraser

1:05 AM

New Zealand artist, Brooke Fraser, is my ultimate inspiration! Between music, fashion, and humor, she's got quite the exhilarating energy. After experiencing 3 concerts and owning every album, I've become an official fan. 

Like most, I first discovered Brook via Hillsong United. My husband and I attended one of their conferences and I fell head-over-heels in love with her. Sweet-natured and humble singer and song-writer inspired me to learn how to play the guitar and fine-tune singing skills. All for worship & leisure, that is. Among my favorites from that season is Albertine

Fashion wise, she has inspired me to create sleek-lined pieces with a Nordic touch. You'll see time after time how she has a minimalist approach to her choice of clothing, as well as her accessories. This works to her benefit as it accentuates her gorgeous facial features. 

Check-out her Pinterest to get a feel for that incredible taste in style, and follow her Facebook to witness that crazy-funny humor.

Check out Kings and Queens, her newest hit single. I'm obsessed! 

*Photos via

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